BT Arena | Cluj-Napoca
Kickin It started from nothing but our love for sneakers, aiming to bring aficionados, collectors, creators and retailers together for a three-day event dedicated to the sneakers & streetwear scene.
22-23-24 September 2023, BTarena – Sala Polivalenta, Cluj-Napoca.
good music & sprite / participating vendors / brands and happenings:
The Glodis, 86 Kickz, Andi Supply, Rope Sneaks, Not For The Fake, Godspeed
MeloMelanj, 50 Years Of Hip-Hop, Hiphopkulture
50 YEARS OF HIP-HOPBT ARENACluj-NapocahiphopkulturehomeKickin' it RomaniaSneakers
SUBCARPAȚI @Cluj Symphony Experience | Cluj-Napoca
Concert SR71 – Lansare Album „Dans in aer” @Guesthouse
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